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Isshinryu Karate was founded by the great Okinawan master Tatsuo Shimabuku. His decision to formulate this style was not a hasty one; it came only after extended meditation and observation. Shimabuku’s ideal was to achieve the ultimate in Karate technique: a style that would encompass the essence, the pure art of Karate. By wedding the best forms and techniques of the various Karate modes, Souke Shimabuku gave birth to Isshinryu Karate.

The United States Headquarters for Isshinryu Karate is located in Tacoma, at 524 South Tacoma Way, directly across from Steve’s Gay 90’s restaurant. The training for the main class starts at 7:30 pm. Monday through Friday, and lasts until 9:30 p.m. The phone number of the Dojo is GR 2-9900. Anyone above the age of eight may enroll, regardless of sex or nationality. Applications will be accepted any day except Sunday and national holidays.

We at the Isshinryu Karate Dojo adhere to the same code that guided and inspired our patron, the great Sensei Shimabuku:

    1. A person’s heart is the same as the heaven and earth.
    2. The blood circulating is similar to the moon and sun.
    3. The manner of drinking and spitting is either hard or soft.
    4. A person’s unbalance is the same as weight.
    5. The body should be able to change direction at any time.
    6. The time to strike is when the opportunity presents itself.
    7. The eye must see all sides.
    8. The ear must listen in all directions.

We extend a cordial invitation to visit us at the Isshinryu Karate Dojo in Tacoma. In the near future, we will be opening a Dojo in Seattle. Please watch your daily newspaper for time and location.

True Karate has been defined as the art of exercising the mind and body simultaneously. At the Isshinryu Karate Dojo, this remains our constant ideal.

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