What Karate is today, was originally developed in the Orient as a Martial Art. It survived and spread throurghout the Orient over the centuries to become a highly effective means of unarmed self-defense. As the science of Karate developed it also developed a philosophy within itself enabling men to realize more fully their potentialities both physical and spiritual. In this way, Karate to the Karate man becomes a way of life.

There is no secret or mystic power to Karate. It is the hard work and effort that is put forth by the individual that develops him into the Karte man. It is not ony a highly effective means of unarmed self-defense but also an exciting, challenging sport enjoyed today by enthusiasts throughout the world.

It promotes self-confidence, sincerity and sportsmanship. In short, Karate in its truest sense is a way of perfecting one's character.

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