Batman, Robin and Nik Adventures
by Nik Hayes

Last night I was walking down the street. Then I saw some bad guys and Batman was chasing after them. He told me to jump into his car and chase after him and help him when he got into trouble. I had to help him. Then we went to Batman's secret cave. Robin showed up and we got along real good. Then Batman had his butler make a suit for me just like Robin's!

Then I got to carry Batman and Robin stuff. I also got a utility belt and Batman let me move in with him. He also let my parents and my little sister move into a house on his land, so we could see each other every day.

After that, Batman, Robin and Nik (me!) had lots of adventures fighting the bad guys. The End

About the Author:

I have a web page at: Please visit or email me. My dad will get it first, but he will give it to me. I live in Covington, Washington, USA. My dad is teaching me the Internet. I like Power Rangers too. I'll be 8 in June, 1996!

You can send mail to the author at

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