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Okinawan to English Translation

Translating Okinawan to English, and vice versa, has always been somewhat difficult. Since the Okinawan language doesn't use our alphabet, and the method of pronunciation is different, Americans have tried to phoneticaly spell Okinawan words. For this reason you may see Okinawan words spelled differently between reference books. As we do more research, we are clarifying and correcting our terminology.

In the Okinawan as well as Japanese lannguage, a word does not change in the plural as it does in American. For example "kata" may mean one kata or five kata. It is incorrect to say "katas".

General Terms



Aswatti Sit
Bunkai definition
Chin-na Seize-control
Chudan middle area
Dachi stance
Dan a black belt grade
Dojo training hall
Empi elbow
Gedan lower area
Geri kick
Gi uniform
Hachimaka sweat band
Hajime begin
Ippon one point
Isshin Ryu School of One heart method
Isshin One heart method
Jodan upper area
Kakato heel of foot
Karate empty hand
Keage snapping
Kekomi thrusting
Keyoskay attention
Kiai shout of spirit
Kinkutsu muscle control
Kobu Jutsu art of weapons
Kombanwa good evening
Konichiwa good afternoon
Koshi ball of foot
Kumae on guard
Kumite sparring
Kyosho Attacking vital points
Kyu below black belt rank
Mae front
Makiwara punching board
Matte wait
Mawashi round
Mikazuki crescent
Nage throwing
Nihon two point
Nukite spearhand
Obi belt
Oyasumi Nasai good night
Rei bow
Ryu school
Seiken fist
Seiza ormal sitting
Sensei teacher
Shiai inner dojo competition
Shihan master
Sinban referee
Soke founder; head of family
Tachi Rei standing bow
Tameshi Waza breaking technique
Tobi jump
Tzuki punch
Uchi strike
Uke block
Waza technique
Yamae stop



Japanese (Okinawan)

1 ichi (tichi)
2 ni (tachi)
3 san (michi)
4 shi (/yon yuchi)
5 go (ichichi)
6 roku (muchi)
7 shichi (/shichi nanachi)
8 hachi (yachi)
9 ku (kuchunuchi)
10 ju (tu)
11 ju-ichi
12 ju-ni
13 ju-san
14 ju-shi
15 ju-go
16 ju-roku
17 ju-shichi
18 ju-hachi
19 ju-ku
20 ni-ju
21 ni-ju-ichi

Stances (Dachi)



Heiko Dachi Parallel open stance
Kiba Dachi Straddle, or "horse"
Kihon Dachi Hourglass (Sanchin)
Kosa Dachi Crossed leg stance
Musubi Dachi Formal stance
Neko Ashi Dachi "Cat" stance
Soto Hachiji Dachi Toe outward (Seiuchin)
Sho Zenkutsu Dachi Front stance (Seisan)
Teiji Dachi "T" stance
Tsuru Ashi Dachi "Crane" stance
Uchi Hachiji Dachi Toe inward (Naihanchin)




Age Tzuki Rising punch
Empi Uchi Elbow strike
Gedan Uchi Downward strike
Gyaku Tzuki Reverse punch
Ha-ito Uchi Ridge-hand strike
Hittsui Uchi Knee strike
Ippon Nukite One-finger spearhand
Mae Empi Uchi Front elbow strike
Nihon Nukite Two-finger spearhand
Oi Tzuki Lunge Punch
Seiken Jodan Uchi Uppercut strike
Shotei Palm heel
Tate Tzuki Side punch
Tettsui Uchi Hammerfist strike
Uraken Uchi Backfist strike
Uraken Chudan Uchi Backfist to solar plexus
Uraken Gedan Barai Lower backfist strike
Uraken Shomen Uchi Inverted backfist strike (to bridge of nose)
Ushiro Empi Uchi Rear elbow strike
Yoko Empi Uchi Side elbow strike

Blocks (Uke)



Age Uke Rising block
Gedan Uke Downward block
Juji Uke "X" block
Mikazuki Uke Crescent block
Shotei Uke Palm heel block
Shuto Uke Knifehand block
Soe Uke Union block
Ude uke Forearm block

Kicks (Geri)



Fumikomi Geri Stamping kick
Mae Geri Keage Front snap kick
Mae Geri Kekomi Front thrust kick
Mae Tobi Geri Flying front kick
Mawashi Geri Roundhouse kick
Mikazuki Geri Crescent kick
Nihon Tobi Geri Double jump kick
Ushiro Geri Back kick
Yoko Geri Keage Side snap kick
Yoko Geri Kekomi Side thrust kick
Yoko Tobi Geri Flying side kick
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HJEDi Martial Arts - Isshinryu - Terms
Modified: February 21, 1998